

  1. HOME


本書に記載されている情報は、Syhunt Hybridのバージョン6.9に適用されます。


  • Check


  • Authentication Vulnerabilities

  • Authentication Bypass / Broken Authentication through Dynamic Analysis

  • Authentication Bypass / Broken Authentication through Source Code Analysis

  • Automated Authentication Brute Force (Form & HTTP-Based)

  • Password Disclosure

  • Unencrypted Login

  • Insecure Salting through Source Code Analysis

  • Broken Cryptography

  • Insecure Hashing Algorithms through Source Code Analysis

  • Insecure Cryptographic Algorithms through Source Code Analysis

  • Insecure Randomness through Source Code Analysis

  • Weak Protocols through Source Code Analysis

  • Weak Password Hashing through Source Code Analysis

  • Breach Confirmation

  • Breach Confirmation through Dynamic Analysis

  • Breach Confirmation through Source Code Analysis

  • Breach Confirmation through Web Server Log Analysis

  • Hidden Debug Parameter Discovery through Dynamic Analysis

  • Hidden Debug Parameter Discovery through Source Code Analysis

  • Hidden Debug Parameter Discovery and Injection through Hybrid Analysis

  • Inappropriate Content Detection

  • Malicious Content Detection

  • Web-Based Backdoor Detection through Dynamic Analysis

  • Web-Based Backdoor Detection through Source Code Analysis

  • Command Execution

  • Command Execution through Dynamic Analysis

  • Command Execution through Source Code Analysis

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) through Dynamic Analysis

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) through Source Code Analysis

  • Weak XSS Filter/Validation Bypass through Dynamic Analysis

  • Weak XSS Filter/Validation Bypass through Source Code Analysis

  • DOM-Based XSS through Source Code Analysis

  • HTML5 Specific XSS

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) through Source Code Analysis

  • File Inclusion

  • Local File Inclusion (LFI) through Dynamic Analysis

  • Remote File Inclusion (RFI) through Dynamic Analysis

  • Local File Inclusion (LFI) through Source Code Analysis

  • Remote File Inclusion (RFI) through Source Code Analysis

  • File Manipulation through Source Code Analysis

  • NoSQL Injection

  • NoSQL Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Error-Based)

  • NoSQL Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Time-Based)

  • NoSQL Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • NoSQL Injection in MongoDB

  • SQL Injection

  • SQL Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Error-Based)

  • SQL Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Blind)

  • SQL Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Time-Based)

  • SQL Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • SQL Injection through Source Code Analysis (HQL)

  • Code Injection

  • Code Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Print-Based)

  • Code Injection through Dynamic Analysis (Time-Based)

  • Code Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • Code Injection in ASP Classic

  • Code Injection in ASP.NET

  • Code Injection in Java/JSP

  • Code Injection in Lua (Nginx, Apache, CGI-Lua, etc)

  • Code Injection in Perl

  • Code Injection in PHP

  • Code Injection in Python

  • Code Injection in Ruby

  • Code Injection in Server-Side JavaScript

  • Source Code Disclosure

  • Source Code Disclosure through Injection

  • Source Code Disclosure through Content Analysis

  • Source Code Disclosure (ASP Classic)

  • Source Code Disclosure (ASP.NET)

  • Source Code Disclosure (Java/JSP)

  • Source Code Disclosure (Lua)

  • Source Code Disclosure (Perl)

  • Source Code Disclosure (PHP)

  • Source Code Disclosure (SSI)

  • Extension Checking

  • Double Extension Checking

  • Common Backup Extensions

  • Structure Brute Force

  • Admin Pages

  • Common Backup Files

  • Common Backup Folders

  • Database Disclosure

  • Old/Backup Files

  • Common Form Weaknesses

  • Email Form Hijacking

  • Hidden Price Form Field

  • AutoComplete Enabled (in sensitive form inputs)

  • Unencrypted Credit Card Transaction

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS)

  • Client-Side Denial-of-Service

  • Denial-of-Service through Injection

  • Denial-of-Service through Source Code Analysis

  • Buffer Overflow

  • Multiple Disclosure Vulnerabilities

  • Common Exposures

  • Hardcoded Sensitive Information through Source Code Analysis

  • Logging of Sensitive Information through Source Code Analysis

  • Local Storage Usage through Source Code Analysis

  • Sensitive Data Stored in Local Storage through Source Code Analysis

  • Sensitive Information Client-Side through Source Code Analysis

  • Information Disclosure through Injection

  • Information Disclosure through Content Analysis

  • Information Disclosure through Source Code Analysis

  • Internal IP Address Disclosure

  • Path Disclosure through Injection

  • Path Disclosure through Content Analysis

  • Directory Listing

  • Web Technology Disclosures

  • Suspicious HTML Comments

  • Log Forging

  • Log Forging through Source Code Analysis

  • XPath Injection

  • XPath Injection through Dynamic Analysis

  • XPath Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • LDAP Injection

  • LDAP Injection through Dynamic Analysis

  • LDAP Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • Unvalidated Redirects

  • Unvalidated Redirects through Dynamic Analysis

  • Unvalidated Redirects through Source Code Analysis

  • CRLF Header Injection

  • CRLF Header Injection through Dynamic Analysis

  • CRLF Header Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • Expression Language (EL) Injection

  • Cookie Manipulation

  • Cross Frame Scripting

  • Dangerous Methods

  • Default Content

  • Directory Traversal

  • HTTP Header Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • Server-Specific Vulnerabilities in IIS, iPlanet & Others

  • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) through Dynamic Analysis

  • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) through Source Code Analysis

  • Server-Side Includes (SSI) Injection

  • Client-Side Request Forgery (CSRF) through Source Code Analysis

  • XML Injection through Dynamic Analysis

  • XML Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • XML External Entity (XXE) Injection

  • XML External Entity (XXE) Injection through Dynamic Analysis

  • XML External Entity (XXE) Injection through Source Code Analysis

  • Security Misconfiguration through Source Code Analysis

  • Known Vulnerable Apps

  • Outdated Vulnerable Scripts through Source Code Analysis

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Apache Struts)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (ASP Classic)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (ASP.Net)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (ColdFusion)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Dynamic HTML)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Flash)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Java / JSP)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Perl)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Python)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (Ruby)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (SSI)

  • Known Vulnerable Apps (IIS)


  • ASP (Classic)

  • ASP.Net

  • Java / JSP

  • JavaScript

  • Lua

  • Perl

  • PHP

  • Python

  • Ruby


  • ASP Classic (VBScript & JavaScript)

  • ASP.Net (C# & VB.Net)

  • Java (JEE / JSP)

  • JavaScript (Client and Server-Side, Node.js, Angular, AngularJS, Express.js & Koa.js)

  • Lua (ngx_lua, mod_lua, CGILua & Lua Pages)

  • Perl

  • PHP

  • Python (CGI, Django, mod_python & WSGI)

  • Ruby (Rails & ERB)

  • TypeScript (Client and Server-Side, Node.js & Angular)


  • Java (Android)

  • Swift (iOS)

  • Objective-C, C & C++ (iOS)

  • JavaScript (including Node.js, Angular, AngularJS, Express.js & Koa.js)


  • Access

  • DB2

  • dbx

  • Firebird/InterBase

  • FrontBase

  • Informix

  • Ingres

  • MariaDB / MySQL

  • MaxDB

  • mSQL

  • Oracle

  • Ovrimos

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQL Server

  • SQLite

  • Swish

  • Sybase